Help your baby sleep safely


The best place for your baby to sleep is ALONE, on their BACK, and in their own CRIB. That can be a traditional crib, a bassinet, a play yard, or a side sleeper next to your bed. 

Can my baby share a room with me?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that your baby share a room with you for at least the first 6 months, as this has been shown to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Ideally, your baby would room share with you for the first year of life. Sharing a room will allow you to quickly respond to your baby’s needs.

Can my baby share a bed with me?

No. Having your baby sleep in your bed with you can be very dangerous for your little one and should be avoided. Pillows and blankets pose a risk of suffocation. Your baby needs to sleep in their own bed, for safety.

What should my baby's sleeping space look like?

Safe Sleep For Your Baby

  • The best way for your baby to sleep is ALONE.  No toys, blankets, stuffed animals, bumper pads, pillows, or pets.
  • Your baby should sleep on their BACK
  • Your baby should be in their own CRIB or sleeping space like a pack-n-play, bassinet, or bedside sleeper.
  • Your baby’s crib should have a firm mattress with a tight-fitting sheet.
  • Your baby should not be overheated or overdressed.
  • The air should be clean, with no cigarette smoke anywhere in the house.


Watch this video for more on safe sleep.