Step aside boring snacks! We have nutritious whole grain options to put on your kids’ plates. One helpful tip when thinking about snacks for the week: meal prep! Preparing a batch of muffins, healthful cookies, or cereal bars makes snacking easier during busy weeks.

No-Recipe-Needed Whole Grain Snack Ideas:

  • Whole grain crackers and cheese

  • Whole grain graham crackers and fruit (example: apple slices)

  • Whole grain tortilla with peanut butter and banana

  • Whole grain pita with hummus or guacamole

  • Whole grain cereal and fruit (example: canned peaches in 100% juice)

  • Whole grain toast with peanut butter

  • Whole grain crackers topped with cream cheese or ricotta cheese and berries

The yummy whole grain recipes below are just a few of the great ideas you can find in Health eKitchen: