Get Whole Grains On The Table!

One easy tip for helping your child eat enough whole grains is offering one whole grain food at every meal. This is a great and easy-to-remember way to start (or continue) a healthy eating pattern in your home. Know your child may not always choose to eat the whole grains you offer. However, including whole grain foods in the meals and snacks you offer will at least give them the option! And they may be even more likely to try whole grains when they see you enjoying them.

Plan It Out

Plan on including a whole grain at each meal when making your meal plan for the week. The meal plan below shows a variety of grains, but it is also okay to offer the same whole grain more than once. It may actually help reduce food waste and save money.


Use Health eKitchen to find tasty whole grain recipes to include in your meal plan!

Day 1

Breakfast: Whole Grain Toast with an Egg and Fruit

Snack: Whole Wheat Graham Crackers and Fruit

Lunch: Turkey and Tomato Sandwich on Whole Grain Bread

Snack: Cereal Bars

Dinner: Brown Rice with Chicken and a Vegetable

Day 2

Breakfast: Banana Oat Yogurt Smoothie

Snack: Whole Grain Crackers with Cheese

Lunch: Veggie and Cheese Whole Grain Quesadilla 

Snack: Whole Wheat Pita with Hummus and Fruit

Dinner: Homemade Mac and Cheese 

Make It A Team Effort

Kids are more likely to eat the foods they are offered when they have a part in preparing and planning the meal. Some easy ways to include your children in helping with meal prep and planning include letting them:

  • Grab ingredients they are able to reach before starting to make a recipe.

  • Put washed and chopped veggies and fruits into food storage containers when meal prepping.

  • Help you measure, add, and mix ingredients.

  • Choose between two different grain options to help decide meals for the week. Ask questions like “Would you like toast or oatmeal with breakfast this week?” or “Should we have mac and cheese or chicken and rice for dinner?”

  • Come to the grocery store with you. Older kids can scoop foods from the bulk bins. Your child can also grab the food items and put them into the grocery cart.

Including your child in the prepping and planning of meals may lead to the tasks taking a little longer, but it is worth it! You are helping your child create a healthy eating pattern and relationship with food. And those last a lifetime.