Action Plan; Iron food favorites


Use this list for planning meals and snacks with iron for your family. Go through this list with your family. On a piece of paper or your phone, make two lists. In the first list, write down all the foods that you like. In the second list, write down the foods you are willing to try.  

Using the foods that you have written down, plan out 2 meals or snacks you would like to make.

Animal Proteins 
The iron in these animal foods is easily absorbed by the body. 

Plant-based Iron Foods
The iron in these plant foods is more easily absorbed in the body when eaten with foods high in vitamin C.

Vitamin C Foods
Eat foods with vitamin C to better absorb the iron found in plant and iron-fortified foods. Vitamin C helps to absorb the iron from these foods. 

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Helpful Tips: 

  • Natural elements in coffee and tea can block iron absorption. Try not to drink them with meals.
  • You may be able to get iron, just from cooking! Some foods absorb a little bit of iron from your cast iron pans.