Children’s toothbrushes are usually labeled by age group. Choose a toothbrush for your child’s age group. Children’s toothbrushes should have soft bristles. If you can, select a toothbrush with your child’s favorite color. If your child is shopping with you, have them pick out the color or design! Replace toothbrushes or toothbrush heads for motor toothbrushes at least every 3 months. Young children may wear out toothbrushes more often. If the bristles are falling out or frayed, replace the brush.
Flavor is important when choosing a toothpaste for children. Choose a flavor you think your child will be excited about! But it's even more important to choose a toothpaste with fluoride. You can read more about fluoride below.
Floss does not have to be fancy! Most floss products you find in the store will work fine for your child. Ask your dentist if you are concerned about the quality of your tooth care products. Floss your child’s teeth for them every day. Your child’s dentist can provide instructions on how to floss a child’s teeth. You can also watch this video demonstration from a dentist.
Water filters and bottled water
Some water filters can remove lead and mercury from this tap water. This is a good thing, because these chemicals are harmful and unhealthy. However, some water filters can also remove fluoride. Fluoride is a necessary health benefit found in some tap water. If your water filter removes it, or you drink only bottled water or well water, discuss fluoride treatments with your doctor. Note: Fluoridated water varies from state to state.