"I want to be near you" cues


If your baby shows one or more of the cues below, they may be saying: “I want to be near you.” 

They look at you with wide open eyes. It may look as if they are trying to memorize what they see.

Their body and face are relaxed while they look at you. If they are old enough, they may smile.

They kick their legs and squirm in a happy way while they look at you.

They try to touch or taste whatever interests them. (Only older babies would be able to do this.)


Check out this 40-second video clip showing these "I want to be near you" cues in action!

What to do when you see these cues:

At first, your baby will be content just looking at your face and listening to your voice. When they get a bit older, they will want to play games with you. Enjoy your time learning and playing together, but watch for cues that your baby might be getting tired.