Dried Beans, Peas, And Lentils. What to do with them?


Cook dried BEANS in 5 easy steps:

1. Sort

Remove any damaged beans and leaves or pebbles that have made it into the bag by mistake.

2. Rinse

Rinse the beans in cold water.

Soak beans and then drain the soaking water. This decreases the gas many people have when they eat beans. There are different soaking methods for dried beans. Check out examples below:

Hot soak- Fill a pot of water to place on the stovetop. Add 8-10 cups of water to the pot for each pound of dried beans. Add the beans. Bring water to a boil. Boil the beans for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat. Let the pot cool. Cover the pot with a lid and set in the refrigerator for up to 4 hours. 

Quick soak- Fill a pot of water to place on the stovetop. Add 8-10 cups of water to the pot for each pound of dried beans. Add the beans. Bring water to a boil. Boil the beans for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover with a lid and set aside for at least one hour. 

Overnight soak- Fill a bowl or pot with water. Add 8-10 cups cold water to the bowl or pot for each pound of dried beans. Let the beans soak overnight (for at least 8 hours). Soak beans covered on the counter or in the refrigerator. 

4. Drain

Drain the water the beans have soaked in. Then rinse the beans.

5. Cook

Different varieties of beans have different cook times. For best results, follow the cooking directions on the package.

If you would like, tap here for a 2 minute video "how to cook dried beans"
If you would like, tap here for a 1 minute video "how to cook dried lentils"
Cook dried PEAS and LENTILS in 3 easy steps:

Lentils and peas are packed with nutrition and really easy to cook. Lentils and peas use the same cooking steps. Want to learn how to cook them? Check out the simple steps below.

1. Sort

Remove any damaged peas or lentils and leaves or pebbles that have made it into the bag by mistake.

2. Rinse

Rinse the dried peas or lentils in cold water.

3. Cook

Different varieties of dried peas and lentils have different cook times. For best results, follow the cooking directions on the package.

Store cooked beans, peas, and lentils in the:
  • Refrigerator for 3-4 days.
  • Freezer for up to 6 months, in freezer-safe bags and containers.

Food Safety

Did you know that it's important to cook beans, peas, and lentils the right way? There is a natural toxin found in some dried legumes that can cause food poisoning. Don't worry, though! All you need to do is cook them at high enough temperatures. Make sure to follow the directions above, or the instructions on the package. Avoid using a slow cooker. Then drain the beans, peas, and lentils. Rinse before offering them to your family.

A natural toxin is made by some plants to protect themselves.