Shelf stable milk is milk that does not need to be refrigerated. It can be stored unopened at room temperature for up to 6 months. 

How is that possible?

  • Shelf-stable milk is made by using Ultra High Temperature (UHT) to pasteurize cows’ milk. UHT is a special process used to remove dangerous organisms from milk before putting it in the box.
  • Microorganisms are killed by heating the milk to 280 degrees for a very short period of time.
  • Regular refrigerated milk is only heated to 180 degrees.
  • The UHT milk is then packaged in a special Tetra Pak container, sealing in the natural goodness of milk for many months.

Powdered Milk
Powdered milk is a dry powder that becomes a liquid again when we add water. Powdered milk has the same vitamins and minerals found in regular milk. It is a popular milk choice for stocking emergency supplies. It is also a great choice when we don’t have a way to keep milk cold. 

Powdered milk can also easily be mixed into drinks, shakes, puddings and even gravies to help provide extra calcium and protein for people needing a supplement.
One benefit of using powdered milk is that it can help stretch our dollars. Since powdered milk can be mixed up as needed it is less likely to go bad. This reduces the amount of waste that often happens with fluid milk.

Evaporated Milk 
Evaporated milk is fresh, homogenized milk from which 60 percent of the water has been removed. When mixed with the appropriate amount of water, evaporated milk becomes the rough equivalent of fresh milk.

Can be safely stored unopened for 9-12 months.

Shelf-stable Cheese   
This is a type of cheese that can be safely stored at room temperature in a sealed container.  Like shelf-stable and powdered milk, this cheese can be stored for a long time; up to 12 months if sealed and stored at room temperature (72 degrees Fahrenheit).


Check your State's WIC Food List to make sure these shelf stable milks are available for you.