Even if you get formula from WIC, you may need to buy more on your own. Formula is expensive. You will also need to buy bottles and nipples. If you breast or chestfeed, you will not need to pay for all that.
In fact, WIC will give you and your baby a deluxe food package that will last until his first birthday if you breast or chestfeed! This package will include a greater variety and amount of food.
Formula fed babies may also get sick more often. This can result in spending more on doctor’s visits, medicines and time away from work.
The taste of human milk will change with the foods you eat. Babies who are breast or chestfed will become used to a variety of flavors. The human milk will encourage older babies to try a variety of foods as they grow.
The taste of formula will be the same, feeding after feeding after feeding. As a result, formula fed children may be less adventurous when it comes to new flavors.
The hormones released while breast or chestfeeding will help your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size in a shorter period of time. It can also reduce bleeding. It can even reduce your risk for certain breast and ovarian cancers, and type 2 diabetes.
Breast or chestfeeding may also help you lose weight after childbirth.
Research shows that breast or chestfed babies have lower risks of: asthma, childhood obesity, eczema (atopic dermatitis), lower respiratory infections, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Necrotizing Enterocolitis (a disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract in preterm infants), childhood leukemia, ear infections, diarrhea and vomiting, and Type 2 diabetes.
Human milk contains antibodies that fight viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Human milk also contains enzymes, growth factors, disease fighting stem cells and more that can help your baby stay healthy.
Learn more in the comparison chart below!
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The longer you breast or chestfeed, the more protection your baby will have against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It is still unknown as to why it decreases the risk of SIDS but it does. A current study shows that breast or chestfeeding for 2 months cuts the risk of SIDS by 50%,
Actually, this risk is higher for formula fed babies. It can be easy for caregivers to overfeed babies with a bottle. This is because it may feel wasteful to throw away unused formula. Sometimes babies are encouraged to "finish the bottle" even after they are full. This is not healthy.
Other times, caregivers are quick to use a bottle to soothe a baby's crying, even when hunger cues are not there. This can lead to overeating habits later in life. (This is another reason it is important to understand your baby's cues.)
Human milk will not need to be processed. It will not need to be packaged, stored, transported, repackaged, or dried. It will not have to be reconstituted (add water) or sterilized. It will not be genetically modified (GM) and it will rarely be wasted.
Human milk will require no fuel for heating or refrigeration. And, it will always be ready to serve at the right temperature. In short, it will be the most environment-friendly food available for your baby.
Breast or chestfeeding will bring your baby’s body closer to you.
You can add more skin-to-skin contact by unsnapping (or removing) your baby’s clothing while they are at your breast or chest. This way, your baby’s chest will make direct contact with your skin. We do not recommend removing your baby’s diaper, however, because...well...poop.
Human milk is made for your baby. While formula contains important nutrients, the nutrients will come from many different milk substitutes. These substitutes will often be difficult for an infant to digest. This is why breast or chestfed babies tend to have fewer tummy aches and have an easier time pooping!
Once breast or chestfeeding is going well, it will be more convenient because…
• Typically, there will be no need for special equipment.
• You will be able to breast or chestfeed anytime and anywhere.
• Human milk will be ready to serve at the right temperature.
• You will be able to respond to your baby’s hunger faster because there will be nothing to prepare. This will be especially helpful during the night.