Wasting money on foods our kids do not eat can be so frustrating. Luckily, there are a few ways around this problem. Check out our 3 tips for saving money while shopping for whole grains, below:

WIC-Approved Whole Grains

Make the most out of your food dollars! Check your state’s approved foods list to see which whole grain foods you can buy with your WIC benefits. When you know which whole grains are approved, make a meal plan around these foods.

Bulk Bins: Perfect for a Little or a Lot!

When first trying a new whole grain food, you might not want to start out with a whole box (or bag) of it. Using the bulk bins in your grocery store is the perfect way to try small amounts of new foods. When you offer a new whole grain, offer a small portion the first few times. That way you do not have to worry as much about waste. If your children end up loving the new whole grain, bulk bins are also a great option to shop for large quantities.

Purposeful Planning

Plan ahead so you know which grains you will be shopping for before going to the grocery store. Taking the time to plan ahead can help keep you from feeling overwhelmed while grocery shopping. When you have a plan, you are not as tempted to go off-list, which saves you money. Sticking to your list keeps you from buying foods that sound good at the time, but may end up being thrown out later. What is another benefit of knowing the types and amounts of grains you will be purchasing? It makes your shopping trip quicker than if you are trying to decide what to get in the aisles of the store.

Try out these ideas the next time you go grocery shopping and see how much time and money you can save!

WIC benefits do not cover bulk items.