Children start to show their independence with food at a young age. It allows them to create their own food personality. - Offering food your child refuses to eat can be frustrating. 

So What Should You Do?  

There is good reason to continue offering these foods. Children’s taste buds develop and change as they mature. Some children need to try foods many times before they will try it or accept it. What your child refused last week may be their favorite food this week.

Keep offering a variety of nutritious choices to help them create a healthy eating pattern. Use the tips below to continue to help them explore new foods. Do not give up if your child refuses a few times.

Meals and Snacks and Drinks, Oh My!

Experts agree: Children need a variety of all foods to create a healthy eating pattern. Dairy is just one of the food groups that should be included. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to offer dairy every day. For example, offer the dairy item alone or pair it with a fruit or veggie. 

Children Agree: Kids and snack time go together like hugs and kisses! Have you ever met a kid who does not enjoy snack time? Use this to your advantage. Offer dairy for snack time. 

Get Started:

  • yogurt topped with granola
  • cereal with milk
  • toast topped with ricotta cheese, berries, and honey
  • grilled cheese sandwich
  • chicken casserole topped with cheese. 
  • cottage cheese topped with peaches 
  • vegetables with yogurt ranch dip 
  • smoothies made with yogurt 
  • string cheese or cheese with crackers 

Once, Twice, Three Times...Try It 15 Times!

Experts agree: A child should have a chance to try a new food at least 15 times. This will help them decide if they really like it or not. Vary the way you offer the food for even better success. Keep offering different dairy choices and combinations. Do not stop because they do not like it once or twice. Offer the same food in different ways.

Children agree: They LOVE to make the decisions. That is great because you can provide that opportunity. As the parent, offer two different dairy items and allow your child to decide which one they want. This will make both of you happy. The key here is to keep offering a variety of dairy.

Get Started: Offer two options and let your child choose! 

  • Cheese cubes or cottage cheese?
  • Glass of milk or a smoothie? 
  • Ham and cheese sandwich or crackers and cheese? 
  • Serve yogurt 4 ways: as it comes, with added fruit, with seasonings as a veggie dip, or as a frozen homemade popsicle. 

Variety Matters

Experts agree: Dairy is an important food group that should be included in your child’s diet. It is up to you to make sure you offer a variety of dairy foods every day. Change the offerings from day to day.

Children Agree: When food is offered in fun ways, it is also more fun to eat it. Since your job is to offer dairy foods, think up ways to make it more interesting. Here are some fun ideas!

  • Cutting cheese into shapes
  • Making low-fat frozen yogurt pops
  • Inviting your child to help make a smoothie
  • Simply dipping carrot sticks in a homemade dip you make together. Dill dip is a great choice!

Get Started:
Monday cereal with milk, cheese with crackers, milk

Tuesday yogurt topped with blueberries, turkey and cheese sandwich, milk

Wednesdaymilk, grilled cheese sandwich, string cheese

Thursdaycereal with milk, yogurt, macaroni and cheese

Fridaytoast topped with ricotta cheese & berries, cottage cheese with peaches, milk


Check out how easy it is to find more great dairy ideas in Health eKitchen.

Never give honey to infants under a year old.