Use this action plan to keep track of your fresh, frozen, pureed, dried, and canned fruits!

Knowing what is in your home can save money when you shop for groceries. Check this list when:

  • planning meals - use foods that will expire soon.
  • planning a trip to the store - make a grocery list based on what you do not already have on hand and the coupons that you will use.

Make a list:

  • Make a list of the fruits you have on your counter,  in your cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer. 
  • Label your food with the purchase and “use by” dates. 
  • Have you stored the fruits in the right place and at the right temperature? 
  • Check your inventory for signs of spoilage. 
  • Make sure cans are not dented and frozen packages are tightly sealed.

Avoid dried fruit for children under 4 years old.