Most babies are ready to start trying solid foods around 6 months, when they are showing all the signs of readiness. WIC provides healthy baby foods for this exciting time in your baby’s life! These foods add extra nutrition while your baby continues with breast or chestfeeding and/or formula. Feeding your baby these foods also helps them learn new tastes and textures. Their mouth and tongue muscles will develop, which will also help them with learning to talk!
Here are the infant foods that WIC supplies for babies from 6 to 12 months:
For fully breast or chestfed babies, additional foods will continue to be offered to parent and baby. Some states will provide extra vegetable and fruit benefits in place of jarred foods. Check with your state to learn more.
need more details?
See your state’s WIC allowed food list for specific details on foods that are allowed and not allowed. Ask your WIC staff if you have any questions!
Breast or chestfeeding are both ways to describe a parent feeding a baby human milk from their breast or chest.