This checklist will help you keep track of the milestones your 4-month-old baby has reached. You can download a printable version of this checklist below, and complete it on paper. Or, you can track milestones by using the free CDC Milestone Tracker app on your mobile device. (Note: This will open in a new tab).
Check off the milestones as your baby reaches them. Bring your checklist (or phone with the app installed) to your baby’s next well visit. Be sure to bring a list of any questions you have. Having the list ready will make it easier to focus on what is most important to you.
As a parent, you know your child best. Talk to your child’s health care provider, teacher, and/or another trusted provider and share your concerns if:
- Your child is not meeting one or more of the milestones for their age
- Has lost skills they once had
- You have other concerns.
Don’t wait. Acting early can make a real difference!
What most babies do by this age:
- Smiles on their own to get your attention
- Chuckles (not yet a full laugh) when you try to make them laugh
- Looks at you, moves, or makes sounds to get or keep your attention
- Makes sounds like “oooo”, “aahh” (cooing)
- Makes sounds back when you talk to them
- Turns head towards the sound of your voice
Cognitive (Learning, thinking, problem-solving)
- If hungry, opens mouth when they see a breast or bottle
- Looks at hands with interest
Movement/Physical Development
- Holds head steady without support when being held
- Holds a toy when you put it in their hand
- Uses arms to swing at toys
- Brings hands to mouth
- Pushes up onto elbows/forearms when on tummy
Questions or concerns I have about my baby: