Get the most with your money. Use these proven tips.


One of the most common myths about farmers markets is that the food is more expensive than grocery store foods. The truth is that with careful planning, you can get more for your money at the farmers market or roadside stands. In addition to your WIC Produce Connection benefits, use these tips…

Make a list.

The best way to get the most for your money is to always shop with a list. A list will help you remember what you need. It will also help you buy only the things you need.

Buy during peak season.

Most growing seasons start slowly. Most produce is limited at the beginning and end of its season. It is also more expensive. You will get a better deal and tastier fruits and vegetables in the middle of the growing season. To learn about Michigan’s growing seasons, use this guide.

Choose your best time to shop.

Farmers markets and roadside stands are usually less crowded first thing in the morning. This is when there is the best selection of produce too. However, you can often get better deals right before the market closes. This is when farmers may offer BIG discounts. Authorized Growers would rather sell their produce for less than pack everything up at the end of the day.

Walk around first.

Before you buy, walk around the market or roadside stand. Notice what is for sale. Compare what is for sale with your list. You may find that several Authorized Growers are selling the same types of produce. Compare quality and prices.

Eat before you shop and take a water bottle with you.

You are more likely to buy more than you need if you shop while hungry.

Stay hydrated and save money by bringing your own water in a reusable bottle.

Bring bags and a cooler.

To prevent cross-contamination, use a variety of reusable bags. Bag any produce you buy separately from other things you buy. Pack a cooler to keep foods safe on warmer days.

Our Maximizing Food Dollars lesson has even more ideas for getting the most for your money!