Action Plan; Offer seafood two times each week


Seafood gives us healthy fats. Healthy fats support developing brains and growing bodies. Offer a variety of protein foods to help your family. Use these steps and make a plan to offer seafood in the next week. 

Step 1: Choose the type of seafood to make.

Canned seafood. Tuna, salmon, sardines, or mackerel.
Frozen or fresh seafood: catfish, clams, cod, crab, herring, lobster, oysters, mackerel, pollock, salmon, sardines, scallops, shrimp, tilapia, trout, or tuna.

Step 2. Find a recipe your family will enjoy!

Use your favorite recipe site or Health eKitchen to search for recipes.
Write the following statement on a piece of paper or your phone. Save it where you can easily come back to it later.

This week I will offer which type of seafood to my family? What day will I make it?

Simple snack ideas!

> Tuna salad and whole grain crackers
> Tuna Boats recipe found in Health eKitchen!

Did you know you can also help other families find great recipes in Health eKitchen?

If you enjoy a recipe, simply select the heart in the social bar beneath the recipe image. The more hearts a recipe has, the more popular it is.