Encourage Healthy Development; Ideas to try with 15-month-olds


Help your child learn and grow by talking, reading, singing, and playing together every day! Provide a safe, loving environment. And, be consistent and predictable!

Here are some tips and activities you can try: 


Let your child use a cup and a spoon.

Use a cup without a lid for drinking and practice eating with a spoon. Learning to eat and drink is messy but fun!


Teach your child new words.

Continue to talk, read, sing, and tell your child the names of things throughout the day. They will try to say and learn many new words, which can help them read later on.


Show your child different things to learn about.

Show your child things like a hat, book, or cup. Ask them, “What do you do with a hat? You put it on your head.” Put it on your head and then give it to your child to see if they copy you.


Sing songs with gestures.

Sing songs such as “Wheels on the Bus.” See if your child tries to do some of the actions.


Encourage your child to play with blocks.

You can stack the blocks and they can knock them down.


Make a “book” with pictures of people and pets in your child’s life.

Name them as you look through the book together. Include a picture of your child.


Sing and dance with your child.

Sing or play children’s songs and songs your family enjoys. Dance with your child.

Signs of readiness for smooth solid foods:

Can sit with support and hold their head steady.

Can bring objects to their mouth.

Shows interest in food.


“Pretend talk” to your child with a stuffed animal.

See if your child tries to copy you. See if they use another stuffed animal to “talk” with the one you are holding.